Inspection & Testing (C&G 2391-52)

Flexible Exam Date

£894.00 Inc VAT

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Here's What You Get:

Get same-day access to the course material
  • Manchester or West London final exams
  • Course available across all devices
  • 12 months course access
  • Tutor support
  • Practice test questions & mock exams
  • C&G 2391-52 final assessment
  • C&G certification

Select your preferred location below and take your exam when you are ready…


Part of the of the City & Guilds centre network.

What happens next...

Add the 2391 Inspection & Testing online course with examination to your shopping basket and complete the enrolment process. Shortly after enrolment, you’ll receive a confirmation email for the booking followed by the course material. You’ll have 12 months to access the course material and take the final City & Guilds 2391-52 examinations.

When you’re ready to take the City & Guilds 2391-52 final exam, you’re in control. Just drop us an email with your availability, and we’ll coordinate a suitable date and time for your exam. The final online multiple-choice exam is available every week, with the final practical assessments available every fortnight. 

The final City & Guilds exams can be taken at either Manchester or West London. 

Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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