What happens next...
Add the Part P exam only to your shopping basket and complete the enrolment process. Shortly after enrolment, you’ll receive a confirmation email acknowledging receipt of the booking and provide instructions on arranging the final examination. You’ll have 12 months to complete the final City & Guilds 2382-22 18th edition exam.
When you’re ready to take the City & Guilds final exam, you’re in control. Just drop us an email with your availability, and we’ll coordinate a suitable date and time for your exam. Examinations are typically available most weeks, requiring only one weeks notice – Home exams are available Monday to Friday @ 0800hrs, 1130hrs or 1600hrs. You will receive your results on the same day, and City & Guilds certification will arrive within one week. You can change to a centre exam at any point.
Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.